The latest of nights ,, the haze, come morning
Quite the mix ,, Early morning... the latest of nights. Playing a game of chess with time ,,, with facticity. Gambling for the under on the sum total of sleep necessary to function productively.
The colors of a diminishing haze of the morning are vibrant, more so than just about ever. I feel the cacophony of substances may have led to the biochemical alteration of perception, positively enhancing my world.
Capturing the moments in all their exquisiteness. Memories once forgotten, then developed illuminating the recollection, resembling the fog of the night's stupor-driven antics. Why can squalor be so intriguing? What is it about the unconventional state of pursuing happiness that is so gripping?
My mind wanders:
I remain extremely drawn to my theory on spirals. Perhaps the most drawn to anything I've ever been in my life. I find it fascinating the recurring pattern of finding waves (+,0,-) in everything. I think about how science, mathematics, physics, etc., have found a language in order to translate the phenomenon: waves. Translations never access or reveal (unconceal) the true nature or meaning of that which it wishes to describe.
My mind further wanders:
Having a relationship with money is a trippy concept. It seems [appears] as though this relationship only exists as purely abstract; however, I find this relationship to be that, yet more. Think of currency as a rhythmic vibration, much like plants, where tenderness and care is essential to the evolution of such interaction. If one is a gardener and treats his vegetation dismally, then the outcome of his project will reflect his poor maintenance. Same with currency, money, exchangeability: one can abuse these tenants of society in two ways:
a) in the transcendental perception and regard for the concept, the means to attain it, teh ways to spend it, the opportunities to make it make more;
b) in the physical interaction with one or multiple currencies, i.e. when one crumples their notes, they too disrupt the relationship's energy.
The farmer who tends their garden with kindred care finds a healthy blossom. The farmer that tends their garden as a disorganized mess relies on luck come harvest.
Treat money with respect and admiration, and she will reward with reciprocation.
Morning has come. .